Part 2: Him & Her (sheep reproduction) – H Series of Webinars

The H Series of Webinars is a ten-part series aimed at giving new and aspiring sheep producers a leg up into the Queensland sheep industry.

The second webinar, ‘Him & Her’, covered sheep reproduction with a focus on maximising the number of lambs from your ewes and rams and understanding what is ‘normal’ for the Queensland sheep industry.  The recording of this webinar has been split into six clips and is now available.  To go to the library where you can find all videos, click here.  Alternatively, you can skip to your topic of interest below. 

Those that attended the live webinar session have already received the link to our feedback form and we thank those that have already completed it.  For those that have not or are watching the recorded video, please take a moment to complete our short feedback form by clicking here.  Your feedback is important to us!